Pigeon race results of Hans and Evert Jan Eijerkamp 2017

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Pigeon race results (1:4)

Pigeon race results 2017
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06/05/17 Chimay (261,609 km) 09:55 East 7048 birds 1-2-4-5-20-31-34-49-55-62 etc. (80/99 = 80.8%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 641 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18 etc. 80 99 80.8%
Area the IJssel 2066 1-2-4-5-7-10-12-15-17-19 etc. 77 99 77.8%
Flying Area SE 7048 1-2-4-5-20-31-34-49-55-62 etc. 80 99 80.8%

Today, the pigeons flew from Chimay and conditions were different from those of the first weeks. They wind was out of the east whereas the first weeks of this season the winds were out of the northwest. Usually, with easterly winds the races run a little less smoothly, but these races can give a good indication of the overall form of your loft.
After the unprecedented results of last week, we naturally were in good spirits. There were 4 pigeons together on the first drop, of which Amara"Amara" and Sabine"Sabine" clocked on the same second.

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15/04/17 Tienen (166,419 km) 14:50 NW crosswind 6267 birds 1-5-35-37-39-41-43-79-87 (59/109 = 54.1%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 511 1-2-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-18 etc. 47 109 43.1%
Area the IJssel 1881 1-4-24-26-28-30-32-54-60 etc. 48 109 44.0%
Flying Area SE 6267 1-5-35-37-39-41-43-79-87 59 109 54.1%

Today we flew the first race of the 2017 season. The birds were held till late in the afternoon due to bad weather on the race route.
Of course as we waited, we were tense, because as usual, at the start of a new season you are never quite sure whether the pigeons are ready to face the competition.
Once the preliminary results were known it seemed that we had the 1st pigeon against 1,881 pigeons.
In the Regio against 6,267 pigeons we were also 1st and had a prize percentage of 54%.

A good and satisfying beginning to the new season.

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20/05/17 Vervins (298,803 km) 10:40 ZW 6240 birds 1-6-9-10-22-27-42-47-48 etc. (78/100 = 78.0%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 615 1-2-3-4-5-6-8-10-11-12-14-15-16-17-18-19 etc. 77 100 77.0%
Area the IJssel 2008 1-5-8-9-14-18-28-32-33 etc. 77 100 77.0%
Flying Area SE 6240 1-6-9-10-22-27-42-47-48 etc. 78 100 78.0%

Today the pigeons had to bridge a distance of 299 km, with the wind on their backs and the possibility of a shower on the way home.
We had heard reports on the speeds attained by our competition and our first one clocked was flying faster which is positive.
The pigeons came close together, something we had become used to the last few weeks. We had 70 of the 100 shipped in the clock in 15 minutes.

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19/08/17 Isnes (204,730 km) 10:15 W 5079 birds 1-2-12-17-28-32-49-65-70-73 etc. (69/97 = 71.1%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 583 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15 etc. 69 97 71.1%
Area the IJssel 1814 1-2-12-17-28-32-47-59-64 etc. 64 97 66.0%
Flying Area SE 5079 1-2-12-17-28-32-49-65-70-73 etc. 69 97 71.1%

After a false start when last week’s race was cancelled, the first natour (old and young) race was flown today. There was a brisk West wind, making for very high speeds. Within 10 minutes there were about 60 of the 96 pigeons shipped home, showing that conditions were very good.  

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08/07/17 NPO Bourges (620,067 km) 07:00 W 9579 birds 2-3-4-10-31-34-35-49 etc. (33/47 = 70.2%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 111 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14 etc. 23 47 48.9%
Area the IJssel 362 1-2-3-5-13-14-15-20 etc. 23 47 48.9%
Flying Area SE 1488 3-4-5-9-28-30-31-42-68-78 etc. 29 47 61.7%
Section 8 South (NPO) 2459 8-9-10-18-51-54-55-75 etc. 28 47 59.6%
Section 8 (NPO) 4711 9-10-11-20-60-64-65-90 etc. 29 47 61.7%
Inter Provincial Northern Union 9579 2-3-4-10-31-34-35-49 etc. 33 47 70.2%

The Dagfond race (distance >500 km) was flown from Bourges (620 km) today. There was a side head wind along a good part of the race course.
Last week the races had been cancelled and for the first time this year these pigeons had missed a race. We wondered how this would affect the pigeons.
Within 40 minutes of the first arrival we had 20 of the 47 we had shipped home.

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19/08/17 Nanteuil le Haudouin (408,230 km) 11:00 W 4417 birds 1-12-14-19-25-36-38-51-56-58 etc. (64/114 = 56.1%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 203 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-9-10-11-12-13-16 etc. 41 114 36.0%
Area the IJssel 600 1-5-6-9-10-12-13-16-17-18 etc. 53 114 46.5%
Flying Area SE 2501 1-9-11-16-22-31-33-42-46-48 etc. 57 114 50.0%
Section 8 South (NPO) 4417 1-12-14-19-25-36-38-51-56-58 etc. 64 114 56.1%
Section 8 (NPO) 7331 1-12-14-19-25-37-39-56-64-66 etc. 65 114 57.0%

There are races you never forget. Today was one of them. The youngsters have flown very well so far, this year and our expectations from Nanteuil (408 km) were high.
We already knew the flown speeds would be high today, but when the NL17-1819886NL17-1819886 stormed into the loft at 3:11 flying at a speed of 1,622 mpm out hearts beat a little faster because, this could very well be a very early pigeon.
When it took a few minutes before the second youngster was clocked the tension grew. Because, the site showing the reported arrivals was down, we didn’t know how early we were. When at last the notification, site came back on line, it had "Christina" at the top and that’s where she stayed.

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06/08/17 Laon (328,408 km) 08:15 ZW 4162 birds 1-2-3-4-10-12-14-20-24-36-39 etc. (92/159 = 57.9%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 301 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17 etc. 70 159 44.0%
Area the IJssel 1064 1-2-3-4-9-10-11-14-15 etc. 91 159 57.2%
Flying Area SE 4162 1-2-3-4-10-12-14-20-24-36-39 etc. 92 159 57.9%

After a one day delay, the young pigeons were released today under very good conditions.  This was the first time the youngsters had spent an extra night in the baskets and we wondered how they would handle it. We clocked 4 out front and they turned out to be the first 4 against 4,162 pigeons and with a prize percentage of almost 60%, it was a great result. It was our own family of pigeons crossed with the G&S Verkerk, Heremans-Ceusters and J&M Geven pigeons who won the top prizes.

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29/04/17 Quievrain (255,678 km) 10:00 Variabel 6814 birds 3-4-5-6-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-20-23-25-26-27 etc. (77/102 = 75.5%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 603 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 etc. 76 102 74.5%
Area the IJssel 1994 1-2-3-4-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 etc. 74 102 72.5%
Flying Area SE 6814 3-4-5-6-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-20-23-25-26-27 etc. 77 102 75.5%

Today we flew the third race of the new season. It was still cold for this time of year but, the skies were only partly cloudy, the air was clear giving the pigeons good visibility.
It was mainly the Heremans-Ceusters from Jackpot"Jackpot" and a few Stefaan Lambrechts pigeons and their crosses that were our first pigeons home.
The pigeons came well and within a half hour there were 85 of the 102 we had shipped, clocked and in the loft.

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24/06/17 NPO Bourges (620,067 km) 08:30 ZW 4964 birds 3-12-30-47-76 etc. (16/32 = 50.0%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 115 1-2-3-4-7-9-10-11-12-14-15 etc. 15 32 46.9%
Area the IJssel 379 2-4-13-16-24-35-36-37-39 etc. 15 32 46.9%
Flying Area SE 1583 2-9-20-27-42-83-90-93 etc. 16 32 50.0%
Section 8 South (NPO) 2824 3-12-26-36-58-137-154 etc. 16 32 50.0%
Section 8 (NPO) 4964 3-12-30-47-76 etc. 16 32 50.0%

The third one day distance race (races >500 kilometers) was flown from Bourges ( 620 km) today. Just like earlier today on the middle-distance race from Laon, racing conditions were not optimal. 
It was overcast with rain or drizzle.
At the release station and the first part of the race the weather was good, so we expected that the race returns would be quicker.
The first pigeon flew at a speed well above 90 km/hr., but despite the fast speed there were only 5 in the clock after 15 minutes after which they started to come regularly.

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03/06/17 Châlons-en-Champagne (373,426 km) 12:00 West 3282 birds 2-5-6-7-8-18-19-21-28-43-44-48 etc. (57/87 = 65.5%)
Level Pigeons Result Prizes (1:4) Boxed Percentage
Club 405 1-2-3-4-5-8-9-10-11-13-14-15-16-17-18-19 etc. 53 87 60.9%
Area the IJssel 1115 2-5-6-7-8-15-16-17-22-33-34 etc. 52 87 59.8%
Flying Area SE 3282 2-5-6-7-8-18-19-21-28-43-44-48 etc. 57 87 65.5%

Today the pigeons were released from the Chalons and Champagne release site, a distance of 373 km from our lofts.  This morning it was not at all certain that the pigeons would be released today. Most of the sections decided to hold their birds till Sunday.
It looks as if the decision to release our pigeons was the right one as within half an hour we had clocked 50 of the 87 pigeons shipped.
A nice preparation of the dagfond race scheduled for next week.

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