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Our latest news

  • 5 Super Results in January for Eijerkamp at One Loft Races!

    5 Super Results in January for Eijerkamp at One Loft Races!

    5 super results for Eijerkamp Racing Pigeons in January! 1st prize at Marismas Masters Race 2, best fancier in Race 1, and victories at Costa del Sol. Highlights from Pattaya to Spain. Read more about our champion pigeons and elite bloodlines!

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    Grandson 'Hunter'

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    USD 1,562
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    H + EJ Eijerkamp

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    USD 1,822
Eijerkamp One Loft Race results

Interested in our One Loft Race results?

One Loft Races are becoming increasingly important in pigeon sport and more and more races are being added worldwide. It requires a targeted approach to select and breed good pigeons for this as well.

For us, breeding top pigeons for the One Loft Races is also a point of attention and not without success.

Click on the button below and see what results pigeon fanciers have achieved with our pigeons or their descendants at One Loft Races.

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Visit the Greenfield stud

Experience the superb quality of our racing pigeons

Hans & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp are well-known in the racing pigeon sport all around the world. We were one of the first Europeans to establish themselves in China. Through our knowledge and good pigeons we have built up an extraordinary reputation in China.

In the past 4 years we ended 4 times in the top 5 of best pigeon fancier in the Netherlands, of which 2 times as Best pigeon fancier in the Netherlands.

You can visit us and view our pigeons and lofts. Click the button below to make an appointment.

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